Wednesday, December 26, 2007

2 cm's what's the other 8 waiting for...

So I went to the doctor last Thursday and the doctor says I'm already 2 cm dilated, he'd be surprised if I made it another week. That would be tomorrow. So I'm ready waiting, not so patiently, I need the vacation. The unpaid vacation that will be nothing short of tiring I'm sure, I'm actually looking forward to. I'm pretty tired right now because I don't really sleep to well, waking up for midnight bathroom breaks at least twice and the fact I am never comfortable in any position anymore.

So I think it was Thursday or Friday I honestly don't remember for sure but the moved my boyfriend again. He is now in Florence County, Arizona. At least he was as of last night. I called the attorney this morning and we made some calls to verify were he was and as of this morning he doesn't seem to be in Arizona or Texas for that matter. I ask him to call me around ten his time and that would be twelve here. So i'm just waiting right now.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

need to rest... maybe tomorrow

exhausted beyond belief... I worked till 9:30pm last night trying to do as much as possible so I could be prepared for the overload of work I knew I would have today. The other girl is on vacation, so I'm actually really glad I did because today's been crazy with everything I've had to do. So right now, I'm very, very tired.

So back to the immigration issues. I've spoken with a couple, well more then a couple of attorney's. They all want his papers from INS. Well those are sitting in inmate property at the regional jail. In the meanwhile no one from INS will still talk to me despite the fact one actually tried to return my call. Last Friday at around 7pm. So the attorney I actually hired is going to go ahead and file the paperwork assuming we will be going to Arlington, but "will be very unhappy" should it be a different court. So my answer to that is does the paperwork make that much difference change the mailing address. So I have to go by the office tomorrow at 9:30am and now have to ask my boss for the time off though he's already flipping out about the one not being here. So I was going to go home at 5:30 and rest but now I have to finish the things I would have done first thing in the morning. Oh well here goes got work to do.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

if you want to lose your loved one in the system call INS

I have to say the system we have here is broken, or at least that's my opinion. My boyfriend got picked up by INS on the sixth at 3am from the city jail. Now mind you almost all attorneys claim that INS will NOT come before the city "state" case is finished and time has been served. They took him to the local office Thursday where they supposedly gave him a bond and then changed the bond, though Friday INS in Arlington says there is no bond. Thursday night he was taken to the Virginia Beach Jail and subsequently removed sometime after 1pm. Finally yesterday around maybe four I got a call from Hopewell, Riverside Regional Jail. He didn't stay on the phone long enough for me to set up a phone account but then the message was in English. In the meanwhile of trying to find him I spoke with the people at the Honduran Embassy in D.C. Very nice people might I mention. I still plan on calling the Washington office today. You see Dudree if I'm spelling it right is the unhelpful INS officer in Arlington. The only one who will answer my questions with I can't tell you anything because your not immediate family. His family though may appear in the office with a translator for information, there is no phone number for them to call. Which is in my opinion utterly ridiculous. When calling the Honduran Embassy I told them what Mr. Dudree had said and she quickly responded but you are (Immediate family). I have to say I like her. They were all very polite and very kind. I've found most people from Honduras tend to be. So now I'm trying to figure out who to come up with all the money for the attorney. But extra money when your paying all the household bills, and a doctors "global co-pay" is not the easiest thing in the world. I've made mention to his brother we still needed four hundred dollars but he always says just to call him, never says I'll see what I can do. Maybe I need to say can you get, borrow, steal( just kidding) from somewhere.

I also talked to a couple of friends recently about what was going on, and of course they are concerned but they can't remember his name. That kind of bugs me. Not that neither one seems to care any less but it's one name that hasn't changed in over a year and a half. So that's the short story of what's going on.

Monday, November 19, 2007

the honorable...??... presiding

so it turns out the court isn't to picky on who shows up for court...

i went in about fifteen minutes early to the court house to hopefully speak with someone on rather or not he had been brought over... with luck the courtroom had a kind deputy who was quite helpful, they had not brought him over, and was still in fact in the city jail (but I knew that one). So the deputy said I could just go up when his name was called to let the judge know. They actually called all of the officers cases to the front since there were only like twenty people in the courtroom. I went ahead and got in the back of the line and waited my turn. When I got to the front the i began explaining to the judge that he was still in the jail and the cop proceed to relay the charges though they wished to drop the failure to obey a traffic light due to charging him with a reckless driving, the judge then asked the officer what the other charge was which was driving without a license and proceeded to ask me if he had one, i replied he in fact did not, and that will be $800 plus cost. I guess it's the same as being tried in your absence?? But at least it's not being continued.

I wish I could say the same for my life.

Empty boxes

Lost... I'd say that's the best way to describe how I feel right now, a bit confused on what I should be doing with myself.

I tried to go see my boyfriend Saturday but I'm not on the list yet so I couldn't see him. After talking to a friend I was also informed that the jail does not distribute mail on the weekend. So it will probably be later today or tomorrow before he gets my letter with my phone number in it. So I don't know if he's expecting to have an attorney present with him today or not. My thoughts are it's really not a big deal. The idea behind the attorney was to keep him out of jail. By the time he's done with court he'll have served whatever time the judge gives him. He's supposed to have court today but I don't know if they'll actually take him over or not. I tried to call this morning to make sure they knew but I've decided most the people in the jail are a lost cause as far as being helpful or even competent at times.

I thought for a minute he had called this weekend, but turns out it was one of his friends. They were going to stop by but didn't know where I lived. We talked for a few minutes and the one part of the conversation that sticks with me was that he was sorry. He was the first (at least of his friends) to acknowledge that I wasn't in the best of places either.

So I spent most of the weekend watching the horrible local programming and attempting to clean. I got a lot of the wash finished. I still have like one or two loads left. Slowly but surely I'm getting through the boxes. I've yet to be able to embrace the minimalistic idea. I have five shoe box size containers full of candles. Some that I know are like seven or more years old. I did get rid of a few things, and few here could be defined as five to ten small items. But I'm trying. All the baby stuff did get but into the baby's room though. I have a lot of cleaning to do, but don't particularly enjoy being in the house alone. And when I get worn out or tired I'm not to sure what to do. Needless to say the default answer is call my mom and talk about what boxes I've gone through and how many are left.

Friday, November 16, 2007


      The closet I've come to having a minimalistic approach on anything is to just not approach it. Whether that being packing, cleaning, or washing clothes. Right now the whole house looks like a tornado went through it,just don't tell my mom, and mom disregard last statement. She's coming down next Wednesday for Thanksgiving. She was here last month and the house was pretty clean except the second bedroom. I did work on the second bedroom but for only one day. Tonight I begin cleaning.
      Turns out I have the time to clean now. My Honduran boyfriend was in a car accident which led to charges by the city. In the process of trying to do the right thing, go to court, turn himself in for the warrant, ICE has decided to put a hold on him. The kind deputy in the city jail informed me he would be shipped to Washington, or New York and not even go to court. Thank you kind deputy for your misinformation. So now he waits for court before he's even to be given to ICE. So where we go from here I'm not really sure. The city jail now has a visitor list the inmate must fill out with the names of those he wishes to visit. With luck someone has helped him fill out these forms, and spelling of my name will not become an issue. So in the mean while I've set up a prepaid phone account and sent a letter with my phone number in it, hopefully which he'll get before court and he can tell me if I should go ahead and hire the attorney or not. So it's been a little rough, going home alone.
      All this happened yesterday, in the mean while I had a doctor's appointment in which the physicians assistant wanted me to return same day for a non stress test, which she stressed could not wait. First thing this morning I called they had me come in, and doctor says the lines were beautiful. Perhaps maybe I just don't feel her? Perhaps that's what I told you to start with, but far be it for me to make any judgment call, I cause I'm just the "host" (animal) so to speak. As well the cat yesterday knocked over a can of mineral spirits which spilled on top and possibly into the dryer, so I ran it on the fluff cycle and prayed it wouldn't catch fire. Then I ran it this morning on a normal cycle for a little while so as of yet it has not. Luckily.
      So that's my life as of right now, basically in limbo.

Monday, July 23, 2007

So this is what the sky looks like this morning. Well only parts of it. I drove in and out of rain to get to work.
Dark clouds on one side and hot sunny blue on the other.

I also found out I need to find a program thats a lot easier to edit then any of these.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Minimalist Journey

Well after the first post I went on the search for formatting help. Turns out it's not as simple as I thought it might be but google has a document and spreadsheet thingy I think I'm going to like.

I tried to go back to my packing. The way that's supposed to work at least in my head is I unpacked all the kitchen boxes, brought them home and intend to reuse them. This was supposed to be a circle project of packing unpacking and repacking same boxes. Not so simple. The apartment has two closets. One in each bed room. The size of a normal clothes closet. Not tiny but not big. I currently have a decent sized closet plus another small one, both currently still full of stuff. Right now I'm only working on the things that have been piled on the furniture that was moved last weekend. So I have like 8 boxes worth of stuff on the floor plus who knows how much still in the closets. If you did the math your probably asking where it's all going to go. Good question. I paused to try to figure that out before continuing on the packing. I remember reading about a year ago about the minimalist life. How people only have the things they need. Problem is I'm a pack rat, my mother is a pack rat, she's embraced the "not keeping anything unnecessary" idea much better then I have. She seems to be good at packing. I've moved a couple times but in the process always moved back with more stuff then I left with. I still have about four boxes in the garage from when I was 20 that have yet to be unpacked. I do have an extra room for storage but only until January. I could push that deadline a little farther but i really don't want to. So now I just have to figure out how to be a minimalist before the day's over....

The Beginning

I've taken I few writing classes through the years and one thing I remeber is the discussion of who will your audience be. What I can't remember wether or not it was supposed to be one of the more important parts. And the other thing was what are you going to write about the theme the purpose. Those two things alone ought to be the first two things I figure out. But I have no idea either way. I would eventually love a huge readership and to be a popular blogger where people became enthralled with the things of my life. But I guess we can all dream.
I decided to start this blog after becoming completely enthralled in La Gringa's Blogocito. It made me miss writing. Writing has always been one of my favorite things , but in the past couple of years I've set much of that aside.
I think I'll finish this blog with a couple of quick comments about who I am. I'm 25 years old, currently 16 weeks pregnant, preparing to move out of parents home (which I've lived for 22 years, they're selling) to an apartment in the wonderfully safe quiet area of South Norfolk. The baby's father , my boyfriend is from Honduras and we'll be starting a new life in a sense. I promise to write more soon if anyone happens to read this.