Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sky Watch Friday- Is His Name Russell?

Yes the Sky was that dreary

Seems I hardly have time to type, I guess thats why I love SkyWatch so much. I just need pictures. To enjoy more (and usually better) Sky Watch Friday Posts Visit Wigger's World. Thanks for all the comments last week and all those to come.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Sky Watch Friday- What the Sky Wasn't

This picture is a lot more interesting then it was ever meant to be. I'll explain a bit later in my comments.

These were taken at dusk after a somewhat rainy day. To enjoy more Sky Watch Friday Posts here at Wigger's World. Thanks for all the comments last week and all those to come.

So I posted this on the comment page but it seems to skipped over so I've posted it here as well:
Blogger Low Iron Only said...

sorry it took so long on the response but I don't have a computer at home. I tried to use it on my phone but it wouldn't let me:(

So the story behind the photos:
The second photo is just as the sky was. Point and shoot and a beautiful sky from God.

The first was a fluke. Truls hit on it first, the water. When I went back to my computer I was astonished to find it, not knowing where, or how it came to be. These were taken while driving? It even got me at first. That is actually just a picture of the sky. Turns out I didn't roll my window down enough to take the shot. What resembles a land mass is just the edge of the window, and the other line that runs across the picture is a power line. If you really look those are not reflections just the bottom of the trees.

So again my apologies on holding out for so long and thanks for all the comments. (and Craver, I'll have to post a blog next week about why the name)

April 4, 2008 8:38 AM

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Guy in the Neighborhood

This little guy walked passed me yesterday morning. It was kind of chilly and the wind was blowing. It was almost as if he wanted to come in.

This was the sight I saw when i got home. I like to think it's the same Pidgey, waiting to say hello.