Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day

Today was “Lulu’s” first Valentine’s Day, and though it will and has come and gone without notice to her it’s a milestone for those of us who did.

Grammy send both the girls the cute little hugs and kisses bags. Lucy got the Elmo rattle and an Elmo book. Luckily Lily hasn’t tried to steal it too many times! Lucy’s also trying to eat the book Great Grandma got her, she’s a paper eater and would much more enjoy that then book. This picture is pre sticky note destruction.


Little Miss Lily may look like she’s having a good time but I had to tickle her to get her to even sit up for the picture.


I guess she figured she was at least sitting up, she wasn’t going to smile. Lucy on the other hand loves to have her picture taken!CIMG0436CIMG0444

I did at least get one picture semi decent of them together. CIMG0437 And one last heart to leave you with this Valentine’s Day.CIMG0430

Hope yours was as Lovely as Little Miss Lily and Lucy

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1 comment:

Carletta said...

I so miss those babies!